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Monday, February 2

Attractive Eyes - Tips

We understand the world around us through our EYES. Fraction of a second is enough for our eyes to make out all about the things going around us and accordingly we take the action which moves our life.

Both eyes work together. With the help of Muscles, nerves and brain, our eyes help us to gain a full and clear view, inspite of change in climate, intensity of light.

Synchronized working of eyes, muscles, nerves and brain adapt to the changing climate and intensity of light so as to offer us correct information.

Weakness of the muscles and nerves around the eyes may give rise to different problems of sight. Problems could be temporary or it may take longer to overcome them.

Irritation in eyes, red eyes or swollen eyes may improve with first aid like splashing fresh and cold water in them. But sight problems (near-sightedness or far-sightedness or other refractive problems), dry eye problems or ageing problems may take longer time to improve, even after proper medical treatment.

Simple eye exercises have been found very effective in improving the Eye Health.

1. First thing in the morning, take water in the mouth, Splash clean water on the eyes and then throw out the water with a pressure from the mouth. Repeat this exercise 3-5 times.

2. Place thumb and index finger on both eye-brows and give light massage, 45 times

3. Place thumb and index finger on the cheek bone, just below the eyes and give light massage 45 times.

4. Shift the thumb and index finger on the end-point of the eyes (on the edge of eye-bone), give 45 light pressures.

5. Place thumb and index finger on the either side of the nose bridge, by the side of the eye and give 45 light pressures.

6. Place a black object (size of a golf ball), at a distance of 3 meters. Stare it without blinking eyes for 2-3 minutes. If the water starts coming out the eyes, let it come but do not blink. It will help in improving your eye sight.

7. Rub both palms 5-7 times. Place both palms on the eyes.

8. Blink the eyelids continuously for 60 seconds.

Blood circulation in the muscles and nerves of the eye are properly activated which takes care of the eye health. 'Pranayam exercise' (Breathing exercise) will further improve the health of the eyes.

The above exercise, if performed regularly, has been found very effective in improving the short-sightedness of the eye sight. There has been improvement in the problem of Dry eyes.


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